

PCC creates theater and art that reveal beauty, invention, precision, and a commitment to social justice.

PCC is a welcoming home and site of experimentation for multigenerational artists. The company creates original interdisciplinary, community-specific work; and cultivates artistry through training and education programs.

Originally, founded in New York City in 1975 by legendary theatrical innovator, Ping Chong, the company is now being transformed through a three-year transition period led by an Artistic Leadership Team comprised of Nile Harris, Jane Jung, Mei Ann Teo, Talvin Wilks, and Sara Zatz. Tasked with creating a forward moving model for PCC building on its 50 year legacy, this collective is centering consensus based, non-hierarchical leadership structures, while creating exciting dynamic works of art that meet the moment and speak to our times.

The work of the company is organized into the following pillars: New Work, Engagement, and Archive . New Work consists of large scale commissioned productions by our Artistic Leaders, such as our recent production this house is not a home at the Under the Radar Festival. Engagement encompasses Undesirable Elements, one of PCC’s most enduring and far-reaching projects. It is an ever-expanding series of collaborative, interview-based theater works. And our Education programs, rooted in UE methodologies, offer tools for dialogue and connection, and create supportive spaces for artistic skill-building and joyful discovery through training programs and in universities and K-12 schools. Archive encompasses our Founding Artistic Director Ping Chong’s body of work, generated over a prolific 50 year career.

At its core, PCC is guided by principal values of Artistic Creativity, Humanity, Equity, Community Building, and Education. Consistent with our 50 year history PCC endures as a creative home holistically supporting the needs of artists of color. We prioritize working collaboratively with artists as organizational leaders authoring the institutional frame that their creations inhabit.